Echium Linné

Echium L., Sp. Pl.: 139. 1753.

Natternköpfe - Raublattgewächse (Boraginaceae)

Isoplesion Raf.
Larephes Raf.
Megacaryon Bois.

Die Bearbeitung über Jahrhunderte hinweg führte zu unterschiedlichen Resultaten (Santos, Guerra, Arnoldo. Kunkel, G., Romeiras, M. M. et al., Sventenius, E. R. , Webb, P. B. & Berthelot, S. ). Wegweisende Forschungs- und Feldarbeit leistetee der englische Forscher Bramwell, D.

Islands of Macaronesia. Canary Islands, Madeira, Azoren, Cap Verde Islands. 27 Arten. Endemisch. Einige sind extrem gefährdet. Invasive Arten und Hybriden sind weltweit bekannt.


David Bramwell. Januar 2013. Photo: Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

Ein-, zwei- oder mehrjährige borstige Kräuter oder Sträucher. Blütenstand thirsoid, mit lateralen helicoidalen Zymen, die sich in Früchten oft stark vergrößern. Blütenkelch 5-lappig in der Regel accrescent. Blütenkrone breit bis eng trichterförmig.

Annual, binnial or perennial hispid herbs or shrubs, with an indumentum of tubercle-based setae and often an underlayer of short, stiff, appresed or patent hairs. Inflorescence thirsoid, with lateral helicoid cymes often much enlarging in fruit. Calyx 5-lobed usulally acrescent. Corolla broadly to narrowly infundibuliform, with a tapering tube and usually oblique, open troath, usulaly more or less hairy outside. Corolla-tube with an annulus of 5-10 distinct scales or lobes or an undulate, entire, somewhat fleshy, collar-like, membrane at the base. Stamens 5, often unequal, included or variously exserted from the corolla. Style exserted; stigma bifid or occasionally capitate. Nutlets 4, more or less triquetros at the base, usually rugose.

Sektion Echium

Annual, to biennial herbs with of without a basal rosette of leaves. Corolla deep blue. At least 3 stamens included within corolla-tube.

Ein- bis zweijährige Kräuter mit oder ohne Basisrosette aus Blättern. Krone tiefblau. Mindestens 3 Staubblätter in der Kronröhre enthalten.

Echium bonnetii
Echium pitardii

Sektion Gigantea (Christ ex Sprague & Hutchinson) Bramwell

Branched shrubs. Inflorescence conical to convex. Corolla white to pale pink, laterally compressed, the dorsal lobe extending to others.

Verzweigte Sträucher. Blütenstand konisch bis konvex. Krone weiß bis blassrosa, seitlich zusammengedrückt, der Rückenlappen erstreckt sich zu anderen.

Echium brevirame
Echium giganteum
Echium leucophaeum
Echium triste
Echium triste ssp. nivariense
Echium vulcanorum

Sektion Simplicia (Christ ex Sprague & Hutchinson) Bramwell

Unbranched monocarpic shrubs with a dense inflorescence.

Unverzweigte monokarpe Sträucher mit dichtem Blütenstand.

Echium pininana
Echium simplex
Echium wildpretii
Echium wildpretii ssp. trichosiphon

Sektion Virescentia (Christ ex Sprague & Hutchinson) Bramwell

Branched shrubs. Inflorescence cylindrical, corolla pink or blue, not laterally compressed, the lobe more or less equal.

Verzweigte Sträucher. Blütenstand zylindrisch, Krone rosa oder blau, nicht seitlich zusammengedrückt, Lappen mehr oder weniger gleich.

Echium bethencourtii
Echium callithrysum
Echium candicans
Echium handiense
Echium hierrense
Echium nervosum
Echium onosmifolium
Echium sventenii
Echium virescens
Echium webbii

Sektion Stricta (Christ ex Sprague & Hutchinson) Bramwell

Small, branched shrubs. Inflorescence lax with long internodes. Corolla more or less regularly lobed.

Kleine, verzweigte Sträucher. Blütenstand locker mit langen Internodien. Krone mehr oder weniger regelmäßig gelappt.

Echium stenosiphon
Echium stenosiphon ssp. lindbergii
Echium strictum
Echium strictum ssp. gomerae

Sektion Auberiana Bramwell

Herbae perenne; Caudex lignosus. Inflorescentiae laxae. Corolla caerulea; lobii subequales. Stamina subexserta.

Mehrjährige, verholzende Kräuter. Blütenstand lose. Blütenkrone blau.

Echium auberianum

Sektion Decaisnea Bramwell

Frutices ramosissimi. Inflorescentia confertae, breviter conicae. Corolla lactea vel caesia; lobii aequales.

Verzweigte Sträucher. Blütenstand gedrängt, kurz, kegelförmig.

Echium decaisnei
Echium famarae
Echium hypertropicum

Sektion Gentianoidea Bramwell

Fructices parvi. Inflorescentia laxae. Calycis tubus lobii circiter aequans. Stamina non vel leviter exserta.

Kleine Sträucher, Blütenstand lose,

Echium gentianoides

Schlüssel der Arten der Gattung Echium der Kanarischen Inseln und Makanoresien. Bramwell. 1972. 50-62.

1a Annual to perrential herbs 2
1b Branched or unbranched shrubs 6
2a Corolla pale pink, leaves linear E. triste
2b Corolla blue, leaves lanceote to ovate 3
3a Indumentum of long, yellow setae, perennnial herb, with woody stock E. auberianum
3b Indumentum of shortt, stiff, whitish setae, annual to biennual herbs 4
4a Corolla 22-30 mm, , cauline leaves and bracts sessile E. plantagineum
4b Corolla 9-20 mm, cauline leaves peticulate 5
5a Leaves ovate. Very densely hairy, annulus of 5 distinct lobes E. pitardii
5b Leaves lanceolate, hispid, annulus an entire ring E. bonnetii
6a Unbranched monocarpic shubs with dense leaf-rosette 7
6b Branched shrubs 9
7a Leaves linear- lanceolate, corolla red (turning blue on drying) E.wildpretii
7b Leaves broadly lanceolatae, corolla blue or white 8
8a Corolla white, leaf-rosettes more or less sesile (Tenerife) E. simplex
8b Corolla pale blue, leaf-rosette with woody stemp up 20 cm (La Palma) E. pininana
9a Calyx lobes (plus/minus equaling tube, indumentum of upper leaf-surface of flat discs, lower surface ± glabrous (La Palma) E. gentianoides
9b Calyx segmented almost to base, indumentum of setae or hairs, more or less similair on bothe surfaces 10
10a Corolla laterally compressed, white, lobes markedly unequal 11
10b Corolla not laterally compressed, usually pink or blue (if white then with pronounced blue stripes, lons ± equal 15
11a Leves linear to narrowly oblanceolate, the margins and lower midrib densely spiny, style scarcely bifid at tip (up to 1 mm) 12
11b Leaves lanceolate, margins with a few or no spines, style distinctly bifid (1,5 mm or more) 13
12a Calyx segments as long as coralla tube E. aculeatum
12b Calyx segments up to half as long as corolla tube E. brevirame
13a Leaves densely white-sericeus with long, pustelar-based setae, corolla lobes only slightly unequal (Cap Verde Islands) E. vulcanorum
13b Leaves greyish-green, with indumentum of short, simple hairs with a few pustular-based setae, dorsal corolla longer lobe as laterals (Canary Islands) 14
14a Inflorescence conical, without basal branches, leaves 1,5-3,5 cm wide E. giganteum
14b Inflorescence a flattish dome usually with several basal branches, leaves less than 1,5 cm wide E. leucophaeum
15a Inflorescence lax, with a few lateral cymes and long internodes, leaves ovate-lanceolate to ovate 16
15b Inflorescence dense, with many lateral cymes and very short internodes, leaves linear to lanceolate 17
16a Corolla 5-6 mm, leaves scabrous to hispid, with stiff, small setae (Canary Islands) E. strictum
16b Corolla 12-18 mm, leaves very rough with stiff, very large setae (Cape Verde Islands) E. stenosiphon
17a Inflorescence conical, very broad at base, corolla with blues tripes or pinkish 18
17b Inflorescenc cylindrical, scarcely broading aat base, corolla pink, blue or pink with blue stripes 19
18a Leaves broadly lanceolate, calyx densely hispid,hypertropicum corolla pinkish (Cape Verde Islands) E. hypertropicum
18b Leaves narrowly lanceolate, calyx subglabrous, ocasnoially with a few setae, corolla white with blue stripes (Canary Islands) E. decaisnei
19a Upper leaf-surface with indumentum of dense, large setae, lower surface usually with simple hairs 20
19b Leaf indumentum plus/minus similar on both surfaces, usually simple, silky hairs or small setae 21
20a Upper leaf-surface with indumentum of dense, large setae, lower surface usually with simple hairs E. onosmifolium
20b Leaf-margfins revolute, corolla very pale pink-withish (very rarely blue) 20. osnomifolium E. callithyrsum
21a Hairs on veins of lower leaf-surface 1,5-2 mmlong, rosette leaves apruptly tapering to long acuminate apex (Madeira) E. candicans
21b Hairs on veins of lower leaf-surface less than1,3 mm (usually less than 1 mm) long, leaves evenly tapering to acute apex 22
22a Calyx-segments rounded at apex, corolla blue with white stripes annulus distinctly 10-lobed (Madeira) E. nervosum
22b Calyx-segments acute or obtuse, corolla pinkish orblue, never with white stripes, annulus aplus/minus entire fleshing ring 23
23a Leaves broadly lanceolate to elliptical, corolla deep blue (Fuerteventura) E. handiense
23b Leaves linear to lanceolate, corolla pink or blue 24
24a Leaves linear, corolla pale pink appearing 4-lobed (2 lventral lobes plus/minus limited) (Tenerife) E. sventenii
24b Leaves lanceolate, corolla pink or blue 5-lobed 25
25a Nutles very ornate, with long (2-3 mm) projections, leaves up to 30 cm long, 5-10 mm wide (Gomera) E. acanthocarpum
25b Nutlets pappilate or shortly echinulate, leaves up to 15 (-20) cm long. Less than 2,5 cm wide 26
26a Calyc segments lanceolate, longest leaves 5-8 cm long, thyrse 10 (-15) cm long, (Hierro) E. hierrense
26b Calyx segements linear to linear-lanceolate, longest leaves more than 8 cm long, thyrse 10-30 cm long 27
27a Lateral cymes bifid, corolla pink to pale blue (Tenerife) E. virescens
27b Lateral cymes simple, corolla blue (La Palma) E. webbii

Alphabetische Auflistung der Arten:

Echium auberianum
Echium bethencourtii
Echium bonnetii
Echium brevirame
Echium callithrysum
Echium candicans
Echium decaisnei
Echium famarae
Echium gentianoides
Echium giganteum
Echium handiense
Echium hierrense
Echium hypertropicum
Echium leucophaeum
Echium nervosum
Echium onosmifolium
Echium pininana
Echium pitardii
Echium simplex
Echium stenosiphon
Echium stenosiphon ssp. lindbergii
Echium strictum
Echium strictum ssp. gomerae
Echium sventenii
Echium triste
Echium triste ssp. nivariense
Echium virescens
Echium vulcanorum
Echium webbii
Echium wildpretii
Echium wildpretii ssp. trichosiphon





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