Type: Sempervivum arboreum. Linné (Lectotype. Ausgewählt von Liu). 1989.
Synonyme nicht komplett.
Greenovia Webb & Berthelot 1840.
Aldasorea Hort ex Haage & Schmidt. 1930.
Die Bearbeitung führte zu unterschiedlichen Resultaten (Praeger, A. Berger, Kunkel, D. Bramwell & Z. Bramwell, Liu, Nyffeler, Lodé, Bañares-Baudet, Muer et al).
Revision of the genus led to different results and opinions (Praeger, A. Berger, Kunkel, D. Bramwell & Z. Bramwell, Liu, Nyffeler, Lodé, Bañares-Baudet, Muer et al).
Mehrjährige Sträucher, einzeln bis polsterbildend, stammbildend, verzweigt oder unverzweigt, Rosetten formend, Blätter variabel, fleischig, bewimpert, Blüte variabel, gelb rosa, weiß, blassgrün , gestreift braun, rot.
Perennial shrubs, solitary to cushion-forming, brachiate to branchless, rosettes forming, leaves variable, succulent, ciliated, flowers variable, yellow-pink, white, pale green, brown striped, red.
Kanarische Inseln, endemisch, Madeira, endemisch, Marokko, endemisch, Kap Verdische Inseln, endemisch, Afrika, endemisch.
Aeonium wird weltweit in tropischen, subtropischen und frostfreien Klimaten kultiviert und in den entsprechenden Ländern oft eingebürgert. Zwischenformen mit entsprechenden Namen sind zahlreich publiziert.
Aeoniums are in cultivation in tropical, subtropical and frost-free regions troughout the world, often adventive and naturalized in these areas. Numerous hybrids and intermediate forms are published.
Grosse, verzweigte Halbsträucher.
Large, branched semi-shrubs.
Aeonium arboreum
Aeonium arboreum ssp. holochrysum
Aeonium balsamiferum
Aeonium leucoblepharum
Aeonium gorgoneum
Aeonium stuessyi
Aeonium korneliuslemsii
Aeonium rubrolineatum
Aeonium simsii
Aeonium undulatum
Einzeln, kleine bis grosse Rosetten formend.
Solitary, small till large rosettes forming.
Aeonium canariense ssp. canariense
Aeonium canariense ssp. christii
Aeonium canariense ssp. latifolium
Aeonium canariense ssp. virgeneum
Aeonium cuneatum
Aeonium glandulosum
Aeonium glutinosum
Aeonium tabuliforme
Kleine, dicht verzweigte Kleinsträucher.
Small, densely branched low bushes.
Aeonium smithii
Aeonium spathulatum
Dicht verzweigte Zwergsträucher.
Densely branched dwarf bushes.
Aeonium goochiae
Aeonium lindleyi
Aeonium lindleyi ssp. viscatum
Einzeln bis ausläuferbildende Sträucher.
Solitary till offshoot-forming shrubs.
Aeonium aizoon
Aeonium aureum
Aeonium diplocyclum
Aeonium dodrantale
Dichte, bis mittelgroße Sträucher.
Dense, medium-sized shrubs.
Aeonium appendiculatum
Aeonium castello-paivae
Aeonium ciliatum
Aeonium davidbramwellii
Aeonium decorum
Aeonium escobarii
Aeonium gomerense
Aeonium haworthii
Aeonium hierrense
Aeonium lancerottense
Aeonium mascaense
Aeonium nobile
Aeonium percarneum
Aeonium urbicum
Aeonium valverdense
Verzweigte merjährige Zwergsträucher.
Branched, perennial dwarf bushes.
Aeonium saundersii
Aeonium sedifolium
Aeonium aizoon
Aeonium appendiculatum
Aeonium arboreum
Aeonium arboreum ssp. holochrysum
Aeonium aureum
Aeonium balsamiferum
Aeonium canariense ssp. canariense
Aeonium canariense ssp. christii
Aeonium canariense ssp. latifolium
Aeonium canariense ssp. virgeneum
Aeonium castello-paivae
Aeonium ciliatum
Aeonium cuneatum
Aeonium davidbramwellii
Aeonium decorum
Aeonium diplocyclum
Aeonium dodrantale
Aeonium escobarii
Aeonium glandulosum
Aeonium glutinosum
Aeonium gomerense
Aeonium goochiae
Aeonium gorgoneum
Aeonium haworthii
Aeonium hierrense
Aeonium korneliuslemsii
Aeonium lancerottense
Aeonium leucoblepharum
Aeonium lindleyi
Aeonium lindleyi ssp. viscatum
Aeonium mascaense
Aeonium nobile
Aeonium percarneum
Aeonium rubrolineatum
Aeonium saundersii
Aeonium sedifolium
Aeonium simsii
Aeonium smithii
Aeonium spathulatum
Aeonium stuessyi
Aeonium tabuliforme
Aeonium undulatum
Aeonium urbicum
Aeonium valverdense
1 | Stem surfaces reticulate; leaf margfin reddish; corolla whitish or without green and/or pinkstreaks, rarely ornage-pink | |
2 | Stem surface reticulations rising above the general stem surface | |
3 | Corolla entirely white or greenish white; stems laxi branching with few (usually less than 10) branches | |
4 | Calyx and anthers pubescent; stems surface reticulations which distinct tubercles; Tenerife | A. ciliatum |
4 | Calyx and anthers glabrous; stems surface reticulations with indistinct horizontal ribs and cracks; Gomera | A. gomerense |
3 | Corolla pinkish or orange-pinkish; stems densely branching with many (usualla more than 30) branches | |
5 | Stem surface reticulations distantt from leaf cicatrices and/or leaf bases; with distinct horizontal ribs and cracks; leavers shiny: Gomera | A. decorum |
5 | Stems surface reticulation adjacent to leaf cicatrices and/or leaf bases (see Fig.4), with very indistinct tubercles; leaves strongly glaucous or deep green; Tenerife | A. haworthii |
2 | Stem surface reticulations flush with the general stem surface. | |
6 | Leaves distinctly puberulent on both surfaces | |
7 | Leaves obomate, more than 4 cm wide or less, usulally brownish, with submarginal unicellular trichomes usullay yellow; Hierro | A. valverdense |
7 | Leaves spathulate, 4 cm wide or less, usually purplish or deep green, with marginal unicellular trichomes whitish; La Palma | A. davidbramwellii |
6 | Leaves glabrate. | |
8 | Corolla entirely white or greenish white; Gomera | |
9 | Callyx and corolla pubescent; stems densely branching with many (usually more than 30) branches, puberulent with multicellular trichomes withish | A. castello-paivae |
9 | Callyx and corolla glabrous; stems laxly branching with few (usually less than 10) branches, glabrous | |
8 | Corolla pinkish or orange-pinkish | |
10 | Leaves weakly denticulate, with wrinkly unicellular trichomes; stems shinny-slivery; Lanzarote | A lancerotternse |
10 | Leaves entire; with (or rarely without) straight or curved unicellular trichomes; stems dully-grayish | |
11 | Corolla orange-pinkish; stems densely branching with many (usually more than 30) branches: Tenerife | A haworthii |
11 | Corolla pinkish; stems unbranched or with less than 10 branches | |
12 | Stems branched; leaves prublish, pink or green with purple or brown tinge; Gran Canaria | A. percarneum |
12 | Stems monocauluos leaves green or rarely with a few brownish lines | |
13 | Calyx and corolla pubescent; leaves 5-9 cm wide, often with apex arcuate Hierro, La Palma | A. hierrense |
13 | Calyx and corolla glabrous, leaves 3-6 cm wide, often with apex applanate, Gomera, Tenerife | A. urbicum |
1 | Stem surfaces smooth and without reticulation; leaf margin brownish, green or yellow-green; corolla yelloe, pale yellow, reddish (pinkish in A. goochiae) | |
14 | Plants subacaulescent; stems usually hidden by the marcescent leaves | |
15 | Leaves glabrrate om both surfaces | |
16 | Leaf rosette planar; leaves closely imbricate; Tenerife | A. tabuliforme |
16 | Leaf rosette cup-shaped; leaves loosey arranged | |
17 | Inflorescence lateral; leaves with many distinct dark-green to reddish tannic stripe on bith sides; Gran Canaria | A. simsii |
17 | Inflorescence terminal: leaves without any dark-green or reddish stripes | |
18 | Leaves strongly glaucous, smooth, with dense marginal unicellular trichomes; corolla entirel yellow. Tenerife | A. cuneatum |
18 | . Leaves not glaucous, usually sticky, with or without scattered unicellular trichomes; corolla plae yellow with reddish variegation | |
19 | Stems branched; leaves obovate-spathulate; corolla with reddish marginal lines only; Madeira | A. glutinosum |
19 | Stems monocaulous; leaves obovate to semicircula; corolla with numerous reddish stripes: La Palma | A. nobile |
20 | Leaves puberulous; Madeira | A. glandulosum |
20 | Leaves velvety | |
21 | Corolla whitish; nectaryferous glands depressed obovate; leaf rosette cup-shaped: leaves not sticky, with 5-15 hairs per 0,1 mm,² with hairs commonly 0,7-1 mm long; Tenerife | A. canariense var. canariense |
21 | Corolla pale to light greenish-yellow | |
22 | Nectariferous, glans usuually mushroom-shaped; leaf rosette cup-shaped; leaves sticky, with 30-60 hairs per 0,1 mm², with hairs mostly 0,3-0,6 mm long; Hierro, La Palma | A. canariense var. palmense |
22 | Nectariferous glands widelyobovate; leaves smooth and not sticky | |
23 | Leaf rosettes planar; leaves with 5-15 hairs per 0,1 mm², with hairs commonly 0,3-1 mm long; Gomera | A. canariense var. subplanum |
23 | Leaf rosettes cup-shaped; leaves with 10-20 hairs per mm², with hairs mostly 0,6-0,9 mm long: Gran Canaria | A. canariense var. virgeneum |
14 | Plants with distinct, visible stems below the leaf rosettes | |
24 | Leaf rosettes center flattened, with young leaves tightly appressed to the older ones | |
25 | Calyx pubescent | |
26 | Leaves obovate-spathulate, puberulent; Marocco. 12. A. korneliuslemsii | A. korneliuslemsii |
26 | Leaves more or less lanceolate, glabous. Gran Canaria | |
25 | Calyx glabrous | A. arboreum var. arboreum |
27 | Leaves grayish; plants with strong balsamiferousodor; Fuerteventura, Lanzarote | A. balsamiforum |
27 | Leavers green with or without brownish stripes, plants with any odor or with a very weak balsamiferous odor | |
28 | Corolla yellow to pale yellow with reddish variegation; inflorescence usually hemerispherical; Gomera | A. arboreum var. rubrolineatum |
28 | Corolla entirely yellow; inflorescence usually ovoid-conical | |
29 | Stems ciumped with branches basitconic; Gran Canaria | A. undulatum |
29 | Stems with spreading acrotonic branches; Gomera, Hierro, La Palma, Tenerife | A. arboreum var. holochrysum |
24 | Leaf rosette center ascending, not flattened. With young leaves arising suberectily, at an angle to the older ones | |
30 | Leaves with many distinct abaxial long/tudinal, dark-green, reddish, or purpilish tannic stripes scattered on the abaxial surface | |
31 | Stems thick and succulent. Hirsute below the leaf rosettes; leaves more than 3 cm long, undulate; Tenerife | A. smithii |
31 | Stems twiggy, minutely puberulent below the leafes rosettes, leaves less than 3 cm long, more or less planar; Gran Canaria, Gomera, Hierro, La Palma, Tenerife | A. spathulatum |
30 | leaves without distinct longitudinal tannic stripe scattered on the abaxial surface | |
32 | Leaf margin with distinct unicellular trichomes | |
33 | Stems unbranched; leaves obovate to semicircular; corolla with numerous dark reddish stripes; La Palma | A. nobile |
33 | Stems branched; leaves obovate-spathulate to spathulate; corolla yellow and often with few reddish lines | |
34 | Leaves trongly glaucous; Cape Verde Islands | A. gorgeneum |
34 | Leaves green, occasionally slightly glaucous | |
35 | Leaves sticky with mucillage at the center of the leaf rosette; inflorescence lax; stems dark brown to chocolate; Madeira | A.glutinosum |
35 | Leaves without mucilage at the center of the leaf rosette; inflorescenc dense, stems gray to grayish brown | |
36 | Leaves puberulent | |
37 | Leaves ovate-spathulate. c. 2 mm thick; Maroco | A. korneliuslemsii |
37 | Leaves spathulate, more than 3 cm thick; eastern Africa | A. stuessyi |
36 | Leaves glabrate | |
38 | Leaves 1-3 mm thick; plants with strong balsamiferous odor, Fuerteventure, Lanzarote | A. balsamiferum |
38 | Leaves more than 3 mm thick; plants without any odor; eastern Africa, Yemen | A. leucoblepharum |
32 | Leaf margin with multicellular trichomes or entire | |
39 | Leaves with hairs visible to the naked eyes | |
40 | Leaves elliptic to circular; corolla pinkish; La Palma | A. goochia |
40 | Leaves obovate to oblanceolate-spathulate; cporolla yellow | |
41 | Leves more than 4 mm thick, entirely green; nectariferous glands present; Tenerife | A. lindleyi var. lindleyi |
41 | Leaves less than 2 mm thick, with reddish spots on the abaxial surface, nectariferous glands absent; Gomera | A. saundersii |
39 | Leaves with hairs so small that the appear glabrous to naked eyes | |
42 | Leaves 6 cm long oor more | |
43 | Stems branche; leaves obovate -spathualte, corolla with reddish marginale lines only; Madeira | A. glutinosum |
43 | Stems monocauluos; leaves obovate to semicircular; corolla with numerous reddish stripes; La Palma | A. nobile |
42 | Leaves less than 6 cm long | |
44 | Leaves green with brownish to pale reddish color variegation; nectariferous glands absent; La Palma, Tenerife | A. sedifolium |
44 | Leaves entirely green without any color variegation; nectariferous glands absent; Gomera | A. lindleyi var. viscatum |
Bañares Baudet, Ángel (2015): Las Plantas Succulentas (Crassulaceae). Endemicas de las Islas Canarias. Edital Publicaciones Turquesa S. L. Santa Crzuz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias. pp. 280.
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Bramwell, D. & Bramwell, Z. (1974): Wild Flowers of the Canary Islands. Thornes, Ltd. Leckhampton. pp. 261.
Farfield, K. et al. (2004): Phylogenetics and evolution of the Marcaronesian members of the genus Aichryson (Crassulaceae) inferred from nuclear chloroplast sequence data. Pl. Sys. Evol. 248: 71-83.
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Kunkel, G. (1987): Die Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Pflanzenwelt. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York. pp. 202.
Liu-Ho-Yih(1989): Systematic of Aeonium (Crassulaceae). Spec. Publ. 3. Nat. Mus., Taichung, Taiwan.
Lodé, J. (2010): Plantas Succulentas de las Islas Canarias. Turquesa, S. L. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. pp. 368.
Mes, T. (1995): Phylogenetic and systematic implications of chloroplast and nuclear space sequence variation in the Macaronesian Sempervivoideae and related Sedoidae. 30: 4. Evolution and Systematics of the Crassulaceae. Leiden, Backhuys, Publ.
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Nyffeler, R. (2003): Aeonium (Crassulaceae)11-20. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart.
Praeger, R. L. (1932): An account of the Sempervivum group. London. Roy. Hort. Soc. pp. 265.
Voggenreiter, V. (1974): Geobotanische Untersuchungen an der natürlichen Vegetation der Kanaren.